Sunday 29 August 2010


Bryn made a chameleon out of plasticine. "Chameleons are camouflaged. They eat flies. They climb trees. They are the biggest lizards. They have funny looking eyes," said Bryn.
What do you know about chameleons?

Build It

On Fridays we do Choice and Challenge. Lachlan was building and Graeson came and helped me. Graeson and Lachlan said " It is cool."

What are child rights?

Can you see what the rights of a child are? Write a comment to tell us what you think. How many comments can we get?

Saturday 28 August 2010

Build It!

I was making a war plane at choice and challenge with my sock monkey. I was trying to put a wheel on but I couldn`t!
Keep trying John.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Josh really cares

The Springston Rockets have been looking at what we need to survive and thrive. After seeing a photo of starving children in Niger, Josh wanted to send his dinner to them! How caring. I wonder what else we could do to help.